What is the best way to configure the option for creating mobile accounts?

New Contributor

In the Directory Utility under Advanced Options in the Active Direction settings window, you have the option under the User Experience tab to Create Mobile Account at Login. By default it is turned off.

We wish to know of the best way of turning on that option with a policy within Jamf. We want to force that policy to a bunch of existing macbooks that have that option currently turned off.

What would be the best procedure for doing this? We don't want to set any other option, just to turn on that option to macbooks that are already joined to the domain.



New Contributor III

At first thought you should be able to write a script to set this. The only thing is I am not sure if it works post-bind, but I believe that it does.

You would need to run this command...

dsconfigad -mobile enable
dsconfigad -mobileconfirm disable

This would set the accounts that login to mobile and not prompt the user if they would like to create a mobile account or not.

Here is an excerpt from the man page...

Advanced Options - User Experience: -mobile flag 'enable' or 'disable' mobile user accounts for offline use -mobileconfirm flag 'enable' or 'disable' warning for mobile account creation

Valued Contributor II

You can also use the jamf binary. Run "jamf bind help" to see all of the options.

"jamf bind -type ad -cache" should do it.

New Contributor

One more option would be using Managed Preferences:

#Create Mobile Account
Domain: ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.MCX
Key: com.apple.cachedaccounts.CreateAtLogin
Value: True

#Show Mobile Account Dialog
Domain: ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.MCX
Key: com.apple.cachedaccounts.WarnOnCreate
Value: False


There is also the ability to create mobile accounts via Configuration Profiles or via using the OD option to create the logging in accounts as mobile.

If you have an AD bind you can set create mobile accounts in the bind itself.