where are my posts?

New Contributor II

Before this re-design of the web site I was able to click on My AccountMy Assest and I could see all of the posts that I've put up on the discussions board. Now when I click My Assests it says "we can't find any assest for you're account" Where can I find my posts?


Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

This is from this article: http://goo.gl/83GuC

For the time being, you can go to this url to see all of your posts information: https://jamfnation.jamfsoftware.com/userContributionsPosts.html?userID=<YOURID> Where YOURID is your user id, which you can get by going to "my profile" and looking in the address bar. It's not pretty, but it works.

New Contributor II

I've tried https://jamfnation.jamfsoftware.com/userContributionsPosts.html?userID=<mqh7>

and nothing works.

Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

Your user ID is a number not the user info you use to sign in.

Go to your profile and then look at the end of the URL in the address bar to find your ID number.

Legendary Contributor III

Despite the workaround, which does work, this is hardly as convenient as clicking on your Account and seeing all your posts right there. I hope JAMF brings that feature back sooner rather than later. For those of us with memories more like sieves than traps, its helpful to be able to look up the threads you posted on.

Contributor II
Contributor II

Hi Everyone -

Thanks for all of the feedback. Our plan is to implement a profile page that does include previous posts. Thanks for being patient with us!


Legendary Contributor III

@jake - thanks for all your hard work on this (and the rest of the team as well!) We do appreciate it!

If we seem antsy for some of this stuff, its a testament to how much many of us rely on this site as the amazing resource it is!

Cheers! :)

Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

While not optimal, there are two ways to locate your posts Mike:

  1. Turn on email sending for either the digest or individual posts. Then you can search in your email system. This is how I do it.

  2. Use Google to search the list. If you go to www.google.com and do a search for your email address or your user ID (mm2270 in your case) using the following syntax, you should be able to find your posts:

search jamfnation mm2270

Or: http://bit.ly/Su6ily

Legendary Contributor III

Thanks Steve, I do understand there are other ways, but I preferred the nice neat uncluttered format for locating my posts that the previous JN had, and will be happy when something like that returns. These workarounds will do for now, but it sounds like JAMF does have plans to bring this back, so obviously they think its important too.

I do get email notifications on posts, so that may actually be a good alternative to using a Google search or special URL. The problem is, it won't show me what I posted 6 months ago, before email notifications became available, so its not perfect.

Contributor II
Contributor II

Hi Everyone -

You can now view community contributions by clicking a username to view a users profile. Thank you again for being patient with us!
