Posted on 09-19-2016 03:57 PM
where are these settings in Casper?!
Posted on 09-19-2016 04:05 PM
You can basically make Sharing be accessible or not accessible via configuration profiles using a restriction payload.
Posted on 09-19-2016 04:10 PM
What are you trying to do...grey out the Preference Pane?
Configuration Profiles > Restrictions > Preferences > [x] Restrict items in System Preferences
Woops, sorry @chriscollins our posts crossed the ether..
Posted on 09-19-2016 04:33 PM
we are trying to have some of these options checked by default by casper config profile, not gray them out from end users
Posted on 09-20-2016 12:13 AM
@peteone, you are going to have to use scripts to set those options. Out of the box Jamf supports what Apple supports via mdm. Most everything else in there can easily be set via one line scripts. Just do a search on jamfnation or google and you will find tons of examples. For instance you can use the kickstart command to enable Screen Sharing. Apple even has a KB article on it here: