How to Push out a Policy that is tied to a Smart Group?

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I need to push out a new background to users. The computers are already showing in the smart group as installed the background from the previous install. I flushed the logs for the Policy that pushes and installs the background but it is not going to push it again since it is looking at the group.

How do I go about this?


Release Candidate Programs Tester

You can actually do this by Configuration Profile for macOS devices. You'll need to deploy the desktop picture by policy first (unless you're using one of the built-in images), but you can then scope a profile with the Restrictions payload configured as shown:655b076f13ce4c0c9ff579c07b6a729f

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Hello, I already have already deployed and set an image. We need to deploy a new image out but can't since it is shown as installed by the smart group.


Couldn't you just create a new policy that has the same parameters as the existing image?

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I am just going to use a built in black screen for now..