Wi-Fi Disconnecting

New Contributor III

Jamf Nation,

Background: We are setup on a TLS network. The network/wireless settings are set by configuration profile. We are bound to AD, using Kerberos and we use Apple Enterprise Connect.

Issue: We have users who will randomly see their wireless has stopped connecting to "Company wifi". Two things happen here, we see the SSID for "Company wifi" but can no longer connect. Or we do not see the SSID at all. Either way we proceed to use this temporary fix with the following.

Temp fix: Step 1 : in terminal we run this...

/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Print :kerberosServices" /var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/computers/localhost.plist

Step 1 outcome 1 : If the command returns ":kerberosServices", Does Not Exist", we proceed to run...

dscl  . -create Computers/localhost kerberosServices host afpserver cifs vnc

Step 1 outcome 2 : If the command runs successfully we see this result, and move to Step 3.
Array {

Step 2 : We reboot.
Step 3 : Remove the TLS config profile and re-add it. Once these steps are complete we see the wireless menu bar icon searching and it will reconnect to "Company wifi"

Discussion: How can we begin investigating this issue? Additionally how can I automate this temporary fix? I have low level scripting experience. I can write an extension attribute or a basic script.

Any help on this is appreciated.