Winclone lives! forum...

Esteemed Contributor III


Yes! Much needed. Thanks for the heads up.

Esteemed Contributor III

Ya, Tim Perfitt is one of those guys you'll want to follow on Twitter.. ;)



New Contributor

never thought I would see that.

Valued Contributor II

I'm finding that Casper 8.43 cannot restore a winclone image created with version 3 of Winclone. Anyone else?

New Contributor III

We did some testing and it works fine. However, the issue is that you need the resources inside the image in order to restore it. In Winclone Pro 3.1, there is a new option in the Tools menu that is "Make Self Extracting" that adds the required resources. Try doing that and then deploying with Casper.

Honored Contributor

Hey Everyone,

I just got done doing this for a customer. Here are some things to consider and some things I learned the hard way. I will preface this with back in my day, way back in the old times of 2008, winclone didn't exist. We had to use all the open source tools and and a script to file copy (not block copy) and Windows XP image to 6,000 Macbooks. So, I was not really familiar with WinClone until this week.

1) You must use Win Clone Pro to my understanding. There is a tool set that will set an image up for auto deploy. This basically copies several command line binaries that are used under-the-hood in the imaging process to copy the files to the boot camp partitions. You will add these items after you create your image.

2) When you create the Windows image, create the partition for boot camp only as you need fit. The partition size can be set to larger during imaging. So, if your image is say 10 gigs, and since windows 7 wants at least 15 gigs of free space, give it 50gigs or something. If you create a win clone image on a large partition I don't think it matches up right size wise.

That is basically the two largest snags I ran into. Otherwise I was able to build a work flow for one of our customers that included netboot to the SUS/Netboot appliance, a very basic OS X image load and then a Windows 7 Image deployed right after via Win Clone.

Hope this helps



Tom, your comment was fantastically helpful.