Windows Recon Rollout

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We are looking to roll out Recon on Windows using group policy.
I found this command through some googling:

PATHRecon.exe -server DOMAIN.COM -username USER -password PASS

But all the command does is launch Recon. Did the command change for Recon on Windows? Or is there another recommended way of doing this? Thanks.

Tony S. Wu
tonyswu at


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Actually I've been wondering about this as well. Used to be able to run
it silently through the command line in version 5 and 6, but I can't get
it to work anymore either.

Chad Bradford | Systems Administrator | Y&R
303 2nd Street, South Tower, 8th floor
San Francisco, CA 94107 USA
T: +1 415 882 0606
F: +1 415 882 0601

Not applicable

After digging around, I think what you are supposed to do now is use
Recon.exe on one of your workstations to create a QuickAdd.msi file. You
can then host the MSI file in a shared folder some place and use Group
Policy to install the MSI file (under Computer Configuration > Policies

Software Settings > Sosftware Installation - doing this will install

it when the computer turns on, before login.) Just make sure the Source
path is a network path that Everyone has read access to.


Chad Bradford | Systems Administrator | Y&R
303 2nd Street, South Tower, 8th floor
San Francisco, CA 94107 USA
T: +1 415 882 0606
F: +1 415 882 0601

Not applicable

What I did is extract jamf.exe from recon.exe. You can do that by running
recon.exe /x.

Then I run jamf.exe in a .bat file as a startup script via group policy. My .bat files looks like this:

copy /v /y "server.domain.comdistribution$Reconjamf.exe"
c:windows emp
c:windows empjamf.exe recon -overrideJSS
-username imaging -password **

Not applicable

This is exactly what we ended up doing.

Tony S. Wu
tonyswu at

Honored Contributor

Since we had 6,000 Macbooks that also ran windows for me to keep track
of which ones that did not run windows I did a dummy package system.

Basically a script ran on every machine invoking the df command and it
grep'd out the NTFS partition and if it was present it exited, if it was
not present it installed a dummy package.

Then I just looked at the policy status of every machine that had the
dummy package installed and could tell what assets did not have windows
on them.

Now that I don't have to run Windows on my Macs I no longer care, but
just thought I would share an alternate method if you are trying to keep
track of Windows installs on your Macs.



Thomas Larkin
TIS Department
tlarki at
blackberry: 913-449-7589
office: 913-627-0351

New Contributor III

I have make a bat for recon using the startup script below. Is there a way
to suppress the authentication after the bat runs?