WWDC19 - macadmin visit?

Contributor II

Just asking in general. Does it make sense as macadmin to visit WWDC19 (or next year 20 of course)
As far I understand it is mostly for developers and we have no development at all. But would like to know if any of you have experience if this is something that could make sense to visit or not?


Honored Contributor

yes, and no. It depends on what you want to get out of it. If you are planning going down the Swift route or are working with Apple APIs the labs are amazingly worth it. You get to take your code to a lab and talk to an Apple engineer about it. If that isn't something that you are interested in, perhaps the value as a system administrator is a bit lower.

The best way to know is go to WWDC once, and gauge what you personally get out of it. you'll figure it out better than any of us will for you