Xcode 8.3.1 - App Store only?

Honored Contributor

I logged in to developer.apple.com/download to get Xcode 8.3.1 and discovered that the latest version available from there is 8.3. However 8.3.1 is available in the Mac App Store. Does this mean we will no longer be able to stay on top of the latest versions via the developer site? Has anyone heard one way or the other?


Valued Contributor

It normally takes them a day or so to hit that site – 8.3 wasn't up until about 24 hours later, save for the App Store link. I'm not worried yet.

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Valued Contributor

It normally takes them a day or so to hit that site – 8.3 wasn't up until about 24 hours later, save for the App Store link. I'm not worried yet.

Contributor III

Also the MAS version appeared to be a delta updater instead of the whole 4.3GB package - I didn't check too carefully, so I'm not 100%, but the fact that it only required around a minute to install on my TB MBP 13" makes me think so.

Honored Contributor

YAY! it's available now in developer.apple.com

Valued Contributor II

Doesn't the developer.apple.com/download link ultimatley direct you to the Mac App Store App? Is there a way to download Xcode directly from the web any longer?

Honored Contributor

The download link that is at developer.apple.com/xcode is the one that redirects you to the App Store. The link from developer.apple.com/download is a direct download. I just finished downloading the .xip from there 2 minutes ago.

Contributor II

That link may work in the US.

In the UK, it simply maps back to the App Store again… Which is a pain.

Valued Contributor

Try http://developer.apple.com/download/more/. That's where I get the .xip file for Xcode.

Valued Contributor II

All the links mentioned on this page ultimately take me back to the Mac App Store app. I'm located in the US.

Contributor II

Doh ! - Missed the 'Obvious big link text at the bottom'...

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Just as bvrooman says: The direct link is: http://developer.apple.com/download/more/

I can access this OK now.