Xink Signature Issue

New Contributor III


We currently deploy Xink software to our mac users via Jamf. 95% install successfully however we have a few because they've missed the prompt "Jamf" wants to access to control "System Events". Allowing control will provide access to documents and data in "System Events", and to perform actions within the app. 

When signatures are updated - we get the error: "Not authorized to send Apple events to Microsoft Outlook". An error occured while updating the signature 'Signature 1' in Outlook. 


Has anyone else come across this and now how to resolve as Xink support has been really poor. 




Esteemed Contributor
  1. The First part, Giving Jamf PPPC access to System Events should resolve the popup.
  2. The Second part would need to be addressed by the vendor. There is no telling how they are doing this and what if anything you can bless with Jamf to allow it to happen.


I have never heard of Xink before. I do find it funny their claim is "is the best-rated email signature management solution" considering I have not heard of any organization directly managing email signatures in a very long time.