XML Tag Difference (if any) in Mobile Devices

Contributor II

Using the API, I can GET or PUT Mobile Device <device_name> or <name>. Both exist. What is the difference? If I PUT one, does the other also get changed? When I GET based on ID, all my <device_name> and <name> match. Wondering if they would ever be different?

Along the same line, what is the difference between <modelDisplay> and <model_display>? Again, when I GET, they match. Can I assume if I POST (with correct <ID>, <serial_number>, and <model_identifier> and then send the update inventory command, that based on the <model_identifier> the correct information would come in for both <modelDisplay> and <model_display>?

I cannot find anything in the JAMF API documentation what is required for a Mobile Device Post (other than <model_identifier> and unique <id>, but I would think a <serial_number> would be needed.