(Yet Another) Firefox and CCK2 Post

Valued Contributor II


Im starting to manage Mozilla Firefox ESR via CCK2 and JAMF. I have a few questions regarding aspects that are still a bit unclear to me.

1) Since the managed settings live inside the Firefox.app bundle itself, I assume this means I must manage all Firefox updates and installs going forward - otherwise my management settings will be destroyed when a new (unmanaged) copy of Firefox.app is installed in it's place, correct?

2) What's the difference in making a pref "locked" versus "default"?

3) CCK2 Extension versus CCK2 AutoConfig? Thoughts? Opinions?

4) When creating custom SSO preferences in CCK2, do I need to include the quotes or will CCK2 complete the proper syntax?


Preference: network.automatic-ntlm-auth.trusted-uris
Value: http://domain1.net, http://domain2.org, https://domain3.com


Preference: "network.automatic-ntlm-auth.trusted-uris"
Value: "http://domain1.net, http://domain2.org, https://domain3.com"


New Contributor

Hi @dstranathan,

  1. Yes, you would need to manage all future installations and updates.
  2. Locked = the end user cannot change it. Default = it is set to what you want, but the end user can change it.
  3. I have used the CCK2 Auto Config, that way the end user doesn't see that something is installed (Though it does show in the (Firefox -> About Firefox").
  4. Off hand, I think it is the first one. I would set that configuration and then test.


Valued Contributor

Greg Neagle wrote a great autopkg receipe for FireFox that automatically packages your autoconf files into firefox.

This would save you having to do much work, just create the autoconfig the way you want, drop it into the recipe over ride folder and let autopkg create new custom firefox packages for you
