Yosemite no-boot image file-system corruption

New Contributor III

So I'm finding when I image our Macs with a no-boot image of Yosemite using NetBoot and Casper Imaging, I am unable to write to the file system without corruption. This is causing scripts that apply settings and install products to fail or write corrupted data to the machine. Simply opening or modifying an existing file and adding a "space" or a "tab" character to its content, on the targeted file system, before first boot, results in weird characters being written to the file. I've created the no-boot image multiple ways and always get the same results. The problem occurs regardless of whether or not the NetBoot image is Yosemite too.

JAMF has been able to duplicate this issue but has no further feedback other than to open a case with Apple.

Please let me know if anyone has seen this issue and if there is has been any resolution to it. Thanks.