If you're looking for a way to silently install or upgrade the Prey anti-theft app on your Mac clients, this works:
(paid Prey Pro account required for multiple devices)
mkdir /Users/Shared/prey-install;cd /Users/Shared/prey-install;curl -O http://preyproject.com/releases/current/prey-0.6.0-mac-batch.mpkg.zip;unzip prey-0.6.0-mac-batch.mpkg.zip;rm -rf /usr/share/prey/;API_KEY=[my API key] sudo -E installer -pkg /Users/Shared/prey-install/prey-0.6.0-mac-batch.mpkg -target /;/usr/share/prey/prey.sh;
Now how can I do something similar with my iPads? Is there a policy I can deploy that will supply our Prey credentials so that I won't have to manually connect each iPad to our Prey account?