Zoom on Jamf App Catalog - IT admin version?

New Contributor III

Still in the "new to jamf phase" of life. Setting up my first environment.

Is the zoom in the Jamf App Catalog the IT admin version? 
Should I be installing the IT admin version via policy and then let the Jamf App Catalog update it? Install the IT admin version and setup the zoom config to allow auto update? Will that work for MacOS Standard users?



New Contributor III

Is the zoom in the Jamf App Catalog the IT admin version?  > Yes, you can click on the application title and it'll provide you additional details.

Screenshot 2022-11-03 at 11.32.06 AM.png

Should I be installing the IT admin version via policy and then let the Jamf App Catalog update it? > That's what we are doing in our org. 


Install the IT admin version and setup the zoom config to allow auto update? Will that work for MacOS Standard users? > According to Zoom's documentation, you can. For us, we leverage Jamf to perform the update, which works with Standard users. We still use Zoom configuration profile to disable other features such as removing the Google, Facebook login options and also pre-populating the domain. 
