Hi everyone,
I have the problem that I need all UUID of the clients from Jamf Protect in a bash script. Unfortunately, pages are always limited to 200 entries. Unfortunately I can't get it to move to the next page to query another 200 clients. Maybe someone has an idea how to do this.
API Call from Bash Script
#Read Out all UUID from JAMF Protect
protectuuid=$(curl -H ‘Content-Type: application/json’ \
-H ‘Authorisation: $jamfprotectapitoken’ \
-X POST ‘$jamfprotectapiurl’ \
-d ‘{’query‘: “query {listComputers {items {hostName, uuid }}}”}’ | jq -r .data.listComputers.items | grep uuid | awk ‘{ print $2}’ | sed ‘s/^.//;s/.$//’ | tr ‘[:lower:]’ ‘[:upper:]’)