Cannot Upload Chrome Enterprise PKG

New Contributor

Well hello! Recently, I've been unable to upload Google's Chrome Enterprise PKG into Jamf School without getting the error "Could not parse payloads of product archive". I chatted with Jamf support quickly and it sounds like they know about it as its how Google packages the app but any of their 'solutions' didn't work. If I add it into Composer and try to convert to source I get "Converting to source failed". I am out of ideas so hoping someone else has come across this and figured out a solution.


Contributor III

I just did this the other day. I downloaded the Enterprise PKG from Google and used Composer on a freshly wiped mac to capture the install. Uploaded to JAMF and it took it. However, it was a "Replace" on a older version of the app and JAMF School immediately set out to upgrade all installed. Terrible mess! Some upgrade went fine, some uninstalled the previous version while the user was using it! and didn't install the new version. Very messy. 

New Contributor II

This is the accepted solution until the Jamf team allows for the method in which the Google Enterprise package was created. Jamf School will accept CHROME VERSION: 106.0.5249.91. If you are like me and avoid snapshots, Remember Picture taker for WIN98,  because it's what you did 20 years ago, you will find version 106 and let the chrome updater take care of the diff.