How do you deploy Apple Books to Users for Shared iPads

Contributor III

I'm looking to distribute Apple Books and Audio Books to both one-to-one iPads and Shared iPads on Jamf School.

We currently restrict most iPads and don't allow sign in to Apple Store.  It looks like you need this.  That's fine.

I am able to deploy books to devices and make a user an owner of an iPad in order to deploy that content to the device.

For Shared iPads I get the error: A volume purchasing license cannot be assigned because the device is not assigned to a user.  I am not able to distribute content for Shared iPads.

Also I am somewhat confused because I thought Apple Books and Audio Books needed to be assign to a user and it looks like the only option I have is to assign it to a Device Group.

Does anyone know what to do about this?




New Contributor III
New Contributor III

In order to scope books to Shared iPads, the books still need the license to be assigned to an Apple ID that has been associated with Volume Purchasing and that Apple ID has to be signed in on the device. Typically this will be a managed Apple ID for a user on the device but it can be a standard Apple ID as well. 


Also for scoping, books can go to either a Single Device, or  a Device Group:

@MikeTheTechI did try to follow the link you posted.  I do understand that books need to be associated with a Apple ID and not a device.  However, for Shared iPads I just get this error:

A volume purchasing license cannot be assigned because the device is not assigned to a user. I am not able to distribute content for Shared iPads.

I can't seem to distibute on Shared iPads.  In Jamf Pro I found instructions ( that indicated you can scope to a user but I don't see anything like that for Jamf School.

Is it even possible to distribute books to Shared iPads?  Or am I barking up the wrong tree?

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

@dletkeman It is possible, though I believe with Jamf School we have to assign the book to a class that the device is listed in vs to a singular device or group.