How does Jamf School handle 'conflicting' app assignments?

New Contributor II

We have an app that is set to automatically install on all our managed iPads (i.c. Google Docs). Some functionality is only available in the web version, but access to the web version is limited because the browser's default behaviour is to redirect you to the app.

A workaround is: uninstall the app, until you need it again. But although I can uncheck the box 'prevent users from removing the app' and disable 'reinstall this app when it's removed by the user', I need a way to make it reinstallable via the Student/Teacher apps (in My resources).

I tried to make a second group of iPads, containing the same set as the first one, so that every iPad has both the 'automatic installation' and the 'on demand installation'. But the app doesn't show up in the list. Is this workaround not possible, or am I overlooking something?


New Contributor


You're trying to make an app (Google Docs) reinstallable via Self Service (My Resources) after uninstalling it, while still having it automatically installed on all managed iPads. Here's a possible solution:
  1. Create a separate configuration profile: Make a new profile with the app installation settings, but without the "Prevent users from removing the app" and "Reinstall this app when it's removed by the user" options enabled.
  2. Assign this profile to the same iPad group: Apply the new profile to the same group of iPads, in addition to the existing automatic installation profile.
  3. Use Self Service to reinstall: Students/Teachers should now be able to reinstall the app via Self Service (My Resources) when needed.
    Your approach with creating a second group didn't work because the app was already installed via the initial profile, so it didn't appear in the list. By using a separate configuration profile, you can offer the app for reinstallation without interfering with the automatic installation.

New Contributor II

Thanks for your reply.

Unfortunately, this will not work. In Jamfs School, you cannot assign apps to profiles. You can assign apps to groups, the same way you assign profiles to groups. The only options, when assigning an app to a device group, are:

  • make the installation automatic or on-demand
  • assign the license to the device or make them user-based

All other app settings for an app are there for all the groups it is assigned to.

It would of course be nice to be able to have all these settings separated into different profiles, but unfortunately, we are limited here. For now. 😉