iPad lost connection to Jamf Server "Inactiv since....."


Hi All

One question. We have some iPads with the yellow message in the Jamf at iPad details "Inactive.....". And the iPads don't get any changes over the Jamf, some new profile, App update and so. Happens it, if the iPad are to long offline and don't can be called up the infos with the Jamf School Server? Problem are, the Teacher can works further but does not realise, that they iPad don't communicate with the Jamf School Server.

Is it possible to allow trustworthiness, if we download the "Supervision Identity" file over Jamf School and load it over an Apple Configurator to the iPad?

Thanks Peter


Contributor II

i have this happen to me too. What I do to "fix" the issue is to get the iPad on an unfiltered wi-fi (we have an SSID setup for this in all our schools) and then repush the profiles to the iPad via Jamf School. This seems to work about 80-90% of the time. Otherwise we have to Erase and restore the iPad manually.

I have not tried to reconnect it through Configurator yet. Might have to look into that issue for those iPads that get back to me rather than the local school tech trying the above fix.


Greg Bobbett