iPad6 to iPad10 proximity transfer

New Contributor II

Hello everybody,

I’m quite new to all this JAMF settings and configurations.

In the next weeks I will have to roll out new  iPads to our teachers to replace their 5 years old 32GB iPads with the newer 64GB devices.

Old and new devices are/will be managed with JAMF School.

Is it possible to setup the new iPads by using proximity setup as you would do on a private iPhone when switching to a newer iPhone?

Thanks for your help




New Contributor II
New Contributor II

As long as there are no restrictions in place, Quick Start should be effective. It's important to ensure that there is no user-specific information, such as logged-in Apple IDs, on the device you're transferring from during the Quick Start process. This step is crucial to streamline the workflow. Otherwise, you'll need to go back and remove the user information before distributing the devices to the end-users. This ensures that they can configure the devices using their own information.


Paull Stanley

New Contributor II

Hi Paull,

thanks for your answer, but I think there is a miss understanding. My idea was to have the end-users ol device and bring it near to the new one and have them “configue” themselves with as less as possible end-user interaction. 

The end-users info and data should come over to the new ipad without him having to worry about data loss , in-app data, on-my-iPad-data, icloud-data, onedrive-data, goodnotes-data, photos, videos, and so on.

New Contributor II
New Contributor II

Quick Start should still work in that instance. Just disregard the suggestion I provided about ensuring there is no user specific data on the Devices. Apple has this feature built-in for iOS Devices with that Quick Start feature. 

Paull Stanley

New Contributor II

That sounds good,

as I did not get it to work, I suppose there are restrictions as you mentioned. Could you get me a hint which restrictions to change to get it to work?

Or does the quick start only exist on newer devices?

Thanks for your help.
