Jamf School - Search with Asset Tag/Users

New Contributor III

I am new to Jamf School. I would appreciate some assistance with some general questions. I successfully uploaded our asset tags into Jamf School to match serial numbers:

  1. Can I customize the search function so I can search using Asset Tag? Currently when I am in Users and trying to assign a device to a User I need to have the serial number and I would prefer to use the Asset Tag. 
  2. When in Device Groups I am trying to add Members and the Asset Tag is not listed only the Serial number and again I would like to be able to add by asset tag. How do I change that?
  3. When I assign a device to a User it says Successfully Assigned, but the Devices assigned to the User still says 0. 

I am not having any luck finding solutions in the Jamf School Documentation or videos. Any help would be appreciated. 


Valued Contributor II

1. If the asset tag is your search term then you should flip your device/user relationship around and assign the user to the device versus assigning a device to a user. The columns you see in that popup window are what can be filtered by so: Name, iPad model, location and serial number. Or you need to look into assigning devices during ADE enrollment if that's a possibility. You could also use an ADE enrollment profile to include the asset tag in the name of the device.

2. Submit feedback to have that column be available as right now the columns you see are the only ones you can filter by. 

3. Have you gone to Devices > Inventory filtered the iPad in question and determined that no user was assigned to it? Look in the owner history if none was assigned. If one is then this just sounds like a potential browser cache issue.

New Contributor III

Thank you for your help. I am going to submit feedback for asset tag columns to be added to different areas.

I found that the problem I was having was the location wasn't set to the same school as the user. It will then say successfully assigned, but really isn't. Once I changed the location on the device to a specific school the user at that school would assign perfectly.