'Updates' count difference between new inventory list and other screens

New Contributor III

The new Devices inventory screen isn't showing the correct number of devices with updates in the sidebar.

A live example when looking at the Devices Inventory screen:

2024-09-24 11_37_09-Jamf School and 18 more pages - Personal - Microsoft​ Edge.png

If I click on 'Updates', the number changes to '99':

2024-09-24 11_37_56-Jamf School and 18 more pages - Personal - Microsoft​ Edge.png

The difference of '5' is the following:

2024-09-24 11_38_35-Jamf School and 18 more pages - Personal - Microsoft​ Edge.png

Those 5 things are for our Mac Mini that we use as an Apple Caching Server, it isn't DEP enrolled, it was manually enrolled into Jamf School, which is a little frustrating since it means there's a few things we can't manage properly on it, but it is what it is (We bought it from an Apple reseller that doesn't support DEP/ADE back in 2018).