Posted on 09-18-2024 07:58 AM
I'm trying to disable the Self-Service notification banner from popping up on the top right corner, but still no luck. I tried creating a Configuration Profile using the configurations as showed on the image:
Also tried through Policy, to deploy a script but still the notification appear.
# Get the currently logged-in user
currentUser=$(stat -f%Su /dev/console)
# Path to the user's notification preferences
# Disable notifications for Self Service
if [ -f "$plistPath" ]; then
sudo -u "$currentUser" defaults write "$plistPath" apps -array-add '{ "bundle-id" = "com.jamfsoftware.selfservice.mac"; "flags" = 0; "show" = 0; }'
echo "Notification preferences file not found for user $currentUser"
Anyone else has experienced this? What can i try else?
Posted on 09-27-2024 08:02 AM
Are you trying to suppress notifications when Google or other apps update?
If you are, then you can either go app-by-app or for all app installers.
Computers - Mac Apps - Google Chrome - End User Experience - Edit - Custom - Suppress all notifications
Settings - Computer Management - App Installers - Edit - Suppression settings - Global - Suppress all notifications
3 weeks ago
What if it is just for one user/registered device in the organization in their JAMF Pro - Self Service?