Need older version of Jamf Composer (not 11.5.0)

New Contributor

There's an ongoing bug with composer that is hit or miss between composer versions 11.3.0 to 11.5.0 where the file/folder view portion of composer doesn't actually show any of the files/folders of your source or package. Its there if you kind of know where the folders would be if you just randomly click around the screen but everything in that section is like hidden. 

I'm tried this version of composer on two separate machines (M2 and intel chip) with the issue. Some of the threads of those with the same issue said Composer 11.4.0 appears to be the most stable working. Only Composer 11.5.0 is available for me to download through my profile. 

Does anyone have the Composter 11.4.0 or an older version installer package for me to use? 


New Contributor

I posted this in the wrong channel and I guess there's no option to delete bad. 

Honored Contributor



New Contributor III

If you have Jamf Pro, then login to , then under the "Products" category select "Jamf Pro", then "Download". From here you'll be able to specify the version of the Jamf Pro Apps (which includes Composer) you wish to download. In this case v11.4.0 is the last fully working version of Jamf Composer.



I don't have JAMF Pro. I purchased JAMF Composer as a standalone product. 




New Contributor III

The issue with Composer now seems to be resolved with the release of version 11.6.0.