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11:08 AM
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3 weeks ago
Hi everyone,
I'm new to my organization - I am a 60% computer science and 40% IT coordinator. I just started last September and 1/3 of our devices have JAMF, and 2/3 of our devices don't. The previous teacher was the only one who had knowledge of JAMF and she left early, so now I am overseeing our transition to JAMF.
I have no history with MDM, but I do have a computer science background. I was wondering if anyone had information about how to proceed and move forward.
I am thinking that I should take the 100 course and then take the 100$ exam for the 100 course, show this to my employer and then demonstrate that I should receive a training pass to take on JAMF. Then, I can be reimbursed for the exam and the training once she sees that this is a worthwhile investment. Is there anything else you all would recommend besides taking those 4 courses to get completely up to speed on JAMF?
Posted on 01-23-2019 11:24 AM
Hey there WolcottOrg1, welcome to the party :) The 100 + exam is a great idea to get the ball rolling, and yes absolutely you should try and get in to the Jamf 200 at the very least. (300 and 400 would probably be rough on absolute beginners, but with your computer science background you'll probably have an okay time with the scripting components of those courses)
If you are a subscription customer (If you're using Jamf Cloud, you probably are, but not necessarily) then you've also got full access to which has some modular courses that you can do at your own leisure, similar to the 100. Lots of resources there too to get caught up!
Hope this helps a little!
Posted on 01-23-2019 11:42 AM
Also don't forget to check out as it can be a great resource for any stressful days!
Posted on 01-23-2019 11:46 AM
Thank you!
Out of curiosity, I would be the only person at my institution who knows JAMF. I'm thinking that it might be worthwhile to vouch for my boss to pay for a training pass and take the 200, 300 and 400 level courses over the summer. (She's willing to do that, if she sees a need, I believe)
I will oversee tasks like inventory management, wiping hard drives clean and converting them to Jamf, migrating iOS and macOS devices, and creating packages for teachers who want specific apps for specific students. I also have to figure out how to add printers, change Wifi passwords, track lost MacBooks and iPads, and remotely connect to macOS devices. I want to be completely knowledgeable on these things.
Do you think it would be worth my time to get to 400, 300 or 200? Or just 200? Or just an individual training pass? Some of my friends have told me that 300 is the way to go. I have bash scripting experience, but no device management experience.
Posted on 01-23-2019 11:50 AM
Also, I have no idea how the Jamf server in our server room rooms. Will I learn that in the courses? Which level?
Posted on 01-23-2019 11:59 AM
There use to be a 350 Course - they don't offer it anymore (As far as I know) - I don't know how it's been bundled. I'm guessing split between the 300 & 400 course as I've taken the 200 course and they did not cover the servers.
They still have the resource page up if you want to take a look -
If you find out what your setup is I'm happy to help. I have experience setting up Mac Servers 10.11 & 10.12 for both the Caspershare & Apache/SQL But I highly recommend against going with Mac Only as moving forward services are deprecated. I also have experience with setting upa RHEL Server & Migrating. Your Jamf Buddy is the best resource you're going to get, JamfNation is an awesome place and a great resource for help, no stupid questions ever we were all beginners as well & again, any questions I'm happy to help.
Posted on 01-23-2019 12:03 PM
The 100 course is mandatory. The rest I've lived without. These forums are an excellent place for good, hands on info. I'd recommend going to one of the JNUC events as soon as you can.
And don't do packages for teachers. Smartgroups are your friends.