Have you heard about Jamf Educator?

New Contributor III
New Contributor III
Why do I need this?
Let's start with that Why.  Really its because teachers have a high workload, and we want to help you reduce that, Jamf Teacher will support you in your use of technology, from restricting access to tools on the iPad, limiting apps to maintain focus and even streamlining the websites students can see.
What is it?
Jamf Educator is an online professional learning experience, similar to Apple Teacher, that lets you learn all about Jamf Teacher to help you get started on your own classroom.
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How does it work?
The portal provides you with a simulated environment, so no need for IT to set one up, that lets you try out the tools and get a head start on how it works, before using it with your learners.  You get to take a journey through the different stations to show all the different ways you can use Jamf teacher to help manage your classroom.
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Okay i'm in, where do I get started?
Its simple to get started, just head to educator.jamf.com
Is that everything?
Yes to get you started, but with all good journeys, you choose your own destination, once you know how to use it, how you use it with your class and learners is up to you and because you know better than anyone that when you teach something, you want to know how it impacted on your learners, why not come back to the community and share your experience, your successes and also any questions you might have, i’m sure the community would love to help out. 
Product Marketing Manager for Education
Jamf Educator

New Contributor

Just starting my journey through! 😎👍

New Contributor

After a couple of hours work, I have now completed my Jamf Educator training. Such a great way to learn more about how to effectively use this App with my students. Now to have a practice with my classes😎

New Contributor III

This is a really great training.  I completed this course a couple of years ago.  It helps me bring a better understanding of how an MDM works with our teachers so they get why we do what we do.

New Contributor III

After completing this course, I can not wait to share with fellow colleagues so they can help spread the word throughout our District and provide training for other teachers.  Finishing this course has helped me fully understand how to use Jamf Teacher can help save time for the teachers.  Having the ability to have granular control over a device settings and restrictions, allowing the teachers to create tailored learning environments conductive to productivity and safety.  Educators can facilitate collaborative activities, monitor student progress, and provide real-time assistance all from a single interface.