Receiving the following message while trying to cache Yosemite
Installer: Error: Could not verify the downloaded package.Error: Could
not verify the downloaded package. ran a verify in terminal with the
following result: **hdiutil verify /Users/admin...
Hello, Wondering if anyone has documentation for creating a test
environment. Did a DB backup and SQL test on my laptop. Tables look good
did a few test queries. Want to set up a mac mini test environment to
test how it works with the new JSS and to ...
Hello, Wanted to restrict software (messages) during hours of the day
for my users but that is not an option on JSS. So I had an idea that I
would create a software restriction, and create a policy that would
remove the blacklist.xml file to lift the...
@boberito I just remove the recovery partition during the imaging
process. While they can still mount and format the drive, I'll know they
did because the machine will no longer check in. Only have had one
student savvy enough to do this. We have our...
Works for me, it should remove that option within settings entirely.
What version iOS? and also obvious question but you made sure the device
is supervised?
Yeah you can make a policy that runs the cached installer at a different
trigger event like login, network state change or checkin. Under action
for the package, select install cached and make sure under restart
options it "restart if a package or up...
I may be mis-reading this request as well but you could just make a copy
of the plist file, edit the changes you need, package it and push it out
to your users as opposed to using defaults write cmd
ACTC/ACMT - Run servers / fix computers / network management for a k-12
Studied Python, java, php, sql, html while earning bachelors degree in computer information systems