Just to let everyone know. This script worked that @mm2270 mm270
recommended. #!/bin/sh loggedInUser=$(stat -f%Su /dev/console) defaults
write /Users/$loggedInUser/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist
AppleShowScrollBars Always chown $loggedI...
@jmahlman That is great. I am brand new to this scripting etc... What is
the workflow, step by step if someone has time....I looked at Appleloops
wiki and read it. What part of the script do I past and reference
Does appleloops install a new set of sounds per user on a machine, or
does it pull from a single repository put on the machine. If the first
way the amount of free space would be ridiculous, so it must be the
later. Can someone confirm this?
I have heard it is a known bug by support, but that may be the new stock
response. The problem as I've been told lies with Apple and a disconnect
that can occur in the hand off of the bypass code and end users changing
their ID. I haven't ever reciev...