Ok - after getting the "public key" uploaded to Apple School Manager - I
was able to get a token that uploaded to JAMF. Then I go the message
"informaiton is out of date. Awaiting next sync"
I've been seeing this the last couple of weeks. It doesn't seem to
resolved and I am not seeing my new inventory. I've updated my token -
what is the solution? - Patti
I am having the same issue - in fact some apps seemed to have
uninstalled as the count installed as went zero - I've been trying the
"refresh" and update, but doesn't seem to be working.
3/28/18 - I tried getting an Activation Lock bypass today and had no
luck in it working on the ipad. I typed the Lock Bypass code into the
password field without the hyphens (and I tried with the hyphens) with
no luck. What's the trick? -Patti Gates,...