you may want to write an additional key in as
below. defaults write /Library/Preferences/
RestrictTeamsSignInToAccountsFromTenantList your Microft tenant IDThis
works for me and able to block persona...
@stevewood thanks for your response i am able to made the script to work
just an additional peace i need to change "Accept:" to
"Content-type:"Thanks once again...
@stevewood @mm2270 I am new to API stuff and try to build my own script
to unmanage multiple mac devices using the JSSID. We get a list of Macs
those are offline for more than 90 days from AD and we would like to
pass this info to a .csv file with JS...
I have been using a NetSUS appliance on RedHat as well as on ubantu box
and it is working like a charm, give a flexibility to chose what to
install and what not to.It also gives you an option whether Mac should
download the update from NetSUS or dire...