What you are seeing is "normal". The reason it reports the version as
304460 is because JAMF grabs the Bundle Version from all of the
Microsoft applications, instead of the Short Bundle Version which is
displayed in the Get Info window. The Teams app...
@rcarey Try this: #!/bin/sh # Name Your Computer.sh # # # Created by
Carey-Peterson, Rob on 10/25/19. # #The user will choose their
department from a drop down menu dept=$(/usr/bin/osascript << EOD tell
application "System Events" activate set Depart...
@rcarey May I suggest an alternative set of commands for actually
setting the name: /usr/local/bin/jamf setcomputername -name
"$computerName" /usr/local/bin/jamf recon The first line will perform
the steps the 3 scutil lines did in your first posting...
If you are running macOS 10.12 during the imaging process your problem
may be that SIP is enabled and is blocking the change of making the
drive bootable. A quick run of csrutil status from the Terminal will
tell you if it is enabled.