@tdavis23, You should be able to get this working with Centrify GPs -
but there are a couple of prerequisites first: (1) You need to have an
existing and working 802.1x Wi-Fi environment with the certificate-based
authentication (either user or machi...
Hi @Field Just wanted to confirm @amanda.wulff's statement - in Centrify
Mac agent version 5.2.4 (and onwards), we moved everything that we used
to place in /usr/... location to their corresponding locations under
/usr/local/... . This is to comply w...
Hi Ben, If infinite renewal is already enabled, then your laptop users
should be getting their tickets recreated when they get back onto the
network - even after they've already logged in (i.e. When the agent goes
back into "Connected" mode). If this...
Hi Ben, There is a feature called "infinite renewal" which should get
the Kerberos tickets to get recreated when it detects the Mac goes back
into Connected mode. This should be set to true by default, but just in
case - look in /etc/centrifydc/centr...