Something I cooked up, feel free to tweak to your org. #!/bin/bash
scriptPath="/Library/Scripts/" defaults write
"$plistPath" Label -string "com.safari.conf...
The script I posted is an example of what I use. The script writes the
CSV so I don't have to rely on fetching a CSV from another source (SMB
or Google.) All done in Jamf policy running this one script.
Hey @maestromarv This is what I use. Had no issues so far. cat << 'EOF'
>/tmp/Mac_Computer_Names.csv SERIAL, NAME, DEVICE_TYPE, Asset,
C02XXXXXXXXX, Computer-Name-01, iMac, XXXXXX, D25XXXXXXXXX,
Computer-Name-02, iMac, XXXXXX, D25XXXXXXXXX, Computer-...
Thanks @cvangorp but Apple is not willing to supply the script unless
you have at least enterprise support, which from my understanding gives
you an SE. For those in same boat as me and not able to afford this
service I have three methods. 1. You cou...