New Contributor II

Joined: October 2014

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Hello, I've found that Googling this seems ineffective since it looks for the JAMF log, rather than the binary verb. Can anyone direct me to some information on what this verb actually DOES? The jamf help log command string doesn't seem to really pro...
Hello! I've looked at https://jamfnation.jamfsoftware.com/article.html?id=177 for information on how to scope Self-Service plugins but I haven't had any luck with getting Self Service to pick up a custom URL plug-in. It seems to completely ignore the...
Ok. I'm quite new to managing OS X, but I have a test machine that we're running our policies against and I would like to know how to reset the Once Per Computer policy setting for this machine. I've tried running "jamf flushPolicyHistory" but the po...
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