Why not just try #!/bin/sh su - $(stat -f%Su /dev/console) -c
"/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/MAU2.0/Microsoft
AutoUpdate.app/Contents/MacOS/msupdate -i"
In my experience, the build up of MDM commands is related to renamed
keychain issues. If there is a renamed or second 'login' keychain then
the installation or removal of Configuration Profiles is affected. The
same applies to the System keychain. An...
You should just be able to go to the computer record of the device in
the console and on the Management tab click on “Remove MDM Profile”. The
removal of binaries is independent of the MDM profiles.
@KarmaLama I'm having the same issue where users are getting this
message for an unknown reason, specifically: 2018-08-06 11:56:51.470
sysadminctl[31995:273664] ### Error:-14090
@EdLuo I do not need to run the command as the logged in user. The user
DOES receive a prompt via the built-in OS notification banner that asks
if they want to update Later or Restart the app ONLY when the
application is open. When an application is ...