They. "I want to paint using a hammer!"You "But if you use a brush, it
would be so much better! or even a roller!"They. "No, we want to use a
hammer, because we like it that way.!"Use this analogy to convince
them...the tail is wagging the dog...
Being a newbie, I am not sure what I am looking at.. Do I write a script
with the content of what you posted and then push/scope the script out
to my Ventura and Sonoma Macs?
why does it not work for me? I was under the impression that none of
those configuration profiles that were used in the days of mcx or mmx?
work now with jamf...
Looking for a way to restart computers at 2am, basically to remove the
people that don't log out, and then the next person can't login. Looking
at your script above..being a newbie, I just need some clarification. Is
this a script one would invoke wi...
If you do a bit of research you will find that a particular "jar" file
needs to be replaced inside of the application, ie right click , show
contents.... after that change has been made, version 29 will work for
you. I did this back in November, and ...