1 : the prestage enrollment package installation have a timeout of
60seconds (Apple restrictions) after what install not finish are
canceled.2 : your issue appears on mac M1 ? if yes, you will have to
install Rosetta before installing pkg not compati...
if you don't want to do it from a script-extensionAttribute you can do a
textfield-EA or popupMenu-EA & populate it from a policy using a script
payload. Script example to populate an Extension Attribute :
jamfUrl="https://jss.jamfcloud.com" jamfUser...
that not clear on the script but jamfProPass variable is using an
encrypted password depending of Params 6 - 9 - 10.Param 6 : Encrypted
StringParam 9 : SaltParam 10 : PassphraseTo generate an encrypted
password : function GenerateEncryptedString() { ...
Hello you could use that script : #!/bin/sh jamfUrl="" jamfUser=""
jamfPass="" #Set my csv location
Building_CSV="$HOME/Desktop/Building.csv" #For each line of the CSV File
while read line; do #Get the List of existing Building
the SecureToken is disabled, you need to activate it : Use my script in
previous post.SecureToken need a password admin, and the password of
user. Script to show a popup to ask the password of user, and Activate
SecureToken #!/bin/sh #Variable Curren...