New Contributor III

Joined: May 2018

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Hello, I am attempting to disable 2 settings in outlook for mac Office 365 New look 16.77.1 the 2 settings are Disable "Encrypt-Only"Prevent users from applying the Encrypt-Only option to emails when using Microsoft 365 Message Encryption.Category De...
I am getting an error using the scripts pointing to permissions. I have tried the below #!/bin/shloggedInUser=`python -c 'from SystemConfiguration import SCDynamicStoreCopyConsoleUser; import sys; username = (SCDynamicStoreCopyConsoleUser(None, None,...
Hello, So we are configuring ISE in our environment and we cant use scep to automate it because security wont let us open the ports down to the internal scep server. so i just setup the config profile and added our ISE certs etc... the issue is the u...
I recently built a package for DLP 15.7 and started testing the install seems to work fine but after i get a notification from JAMF management notification "Symantec DLP will require a reboot to become fully functional please reboot at your soonest c...
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