I was able to solve this by LoginHook script. #!/bin/sh USER=$1 su -
$USER -c "/Library/Scripts/hooks/hook_defaults.sh" It executes second
script with privileges of user who is logging in. Second script copies
prepared com.apple.SetupAssistant.plist ...
@bpavlov well they are not populated from anywhere. I don't have access
to home folders.Should I try to convince IT to copy OS X user template
to every single home folder?
@bpavlov Actually I am using modifed verion of @rtrouton script for
local users with home folder in /var/.home However with network account
and empty nfs user home folder files are not copied from template
automatically. I filled feature request rada...
I am upgrading computer lab to 10.10.3We use NFSv3 home folders. When
user's home folder is empty I always get iCloud Setup window (this was
not an issue with 10.9.5).I deployed configuration profile with
com.apple.SetupAssistant settings but this ap...