JAMF just posted a new article that explains how to deploy the McAfee
Agent for Mac via the Casper Suite:
This new article on JAMFnation explains how to deploy the McAfee Agent
for Mac: https://jamfnation.jamfsoftware.com/article.html?id=182 Once
that is in place, you can use ePO to push McAfee Security for Mac and/or
endpoint encryption for Mac.
Actually, this requirement for root seems to be a bit of a moving
target. The McAfee Agent for Mac Product Guide explicitly states that
root must be used, but this KB says admin OR root
Hi guys. I work for McAfee and can help you here. The most common
sticking point is that the root user must be enabled. So if you're
getting inconsistent behavior it may be because you don't have the root
user enabled. We recently released McAfee Age...