if you're under the gun and need to send an image, you can create a
bootable partition on the the client machines with the JAMF imaging app
on it., boot from there and image the main partition. not sure how long
that will be viable though. to expand ...
another option, that may be faster and work for a longer period of time,
is to put a "netboot " partition on the machine itself, about 15gig.turn
off sip, so the machine can boot to that partition through a policy,
have the "netboot" partition connec...
late post, butyou could create a package that runs a script that
connects to a server share with your scripts that runs all scripts in
the folder.that way you can still manage without having to build
packages every time you need to edit something, I ...
even with those options, setup assistant still loads and takes time,
almost doubling the login time.I run a lab with a few hundred machines.
My solution solved my problem. nothing mentioned anywhere else did.