I am trying to figure out how to enable the Find my Mac function across
all of out computer's admin account so we can track them if stolen. Is
there anyway to enable it with a script or will Apple's security
protocols not allow this?
We have been able to resolve about 150 of these issues will minimal
effort so our users can now update on their own and don't have the
secure token issues.
I have managed to get this pretty streamlined where all the user has to
do is setup a quick 5 minute zoom meeting, then run a policy from Self
Service, and then once it asks to change system settings, we get take
control of the screen and enter the I...
@johntgeck I just tried your script and got the same error.Then ran my
iteration here and it does work.. just prompts for an additional pop up
from sysadminctl #!/bin/bash #get logged in user currentuser=$(/bin/ls
-la /dev/console | /usr/bin/cut -d '...