I don't have my classes.csv or roster.csv so I tried removing the data
but leaving the headers in both and uploading as a zip file with all the
other files and still no joy, received error that the two files were
missing (even though they were there ...
We're stuck at about the same spot and have a call in to PowerSchool
about both the roster and the classes file. Mvillafuerte or anyone, how
did you create the classes file from PowerSchool? We're also anxious to
see how to create the roster file.
Sorry I missed this years JNUC. Last year was tough getting an IP for
sure. Even with the change to a /21, the 200Mbps connection seems
archaic (of course I'm not paying their bill) and don't forget the OP
said, "My colleague and I each have 3 device...
I'm a K-12 IT director and I only manage iPads, a few macs but I don't
manage any macs in my JSS. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE label classes as
"applies to" OSX or iOS. A simple icon near the title would do. Lack of
IPs of course was a drag. I'd actually vot...