How can we achieve this instead of exporting a list from Active
Directory and JSS then comparing them side-by-side? We are running JSS
v8.73 on Windows Server 2008 R2
Yes! We have same situation. Enterprise Wi-Fi in a school. This only
started happening with iOS7. We have NPS with RADIUS auth running on
Server 2008R2. iOS7 doesn't re-prompt for password like iOS6 did. No
solution yet though.... other than to re-en...
Thanks Sean for the script.We were also getting the 33 error and found
there were temp files in JAMF folder. One small typo about the script as
it didn't work when I ran it. rm -rf /Library/Application
Support/JAMF/Downloads/.*(changed on the end, sh...
Old thread but yer....We're trying to launch and hide the application MS
Lync 2011 at login for any user who logs in.Possible through Managed