Does anybody know if you can "personalize" the Canvas app in the "APP
CONFIGURATION" tab, so that it preloads to the given school's URL/sign
on? Thank You,Marek
Hello, Is there a new incarnation of JAMF's very own ""
script? I can't seem to get the drivers/extensions to move into the JAMF
directory. Not sure if its the SIP protection in El Capitan or something
similar but Would someone point...
I would love someone to post a comprehensive response to this (maybe
someone from Symantec .errrr Broadcom) The plot thickens as their
support website has been recently migrated to broadcom -- and I cannot
find anything. We are running (trying to run...
This has been happening for us as well, multiple older computers that
were not "imaged" via the New way or via the MDM enroll via the Prestage
Enrollment will have this. when i looked at this month ago , the only
SOLID way to shake this is to "reimag...
Hello All, I was wondering if anybody has setup a "REUSABLE" policy
trigger for computers that dont have anybody logged in. Example a
computer lab. I would love to automate the Google Chrome updates with a
script, but only Run that policy when no use...
Unfortunately I have seen this issue as well. For us its more wicked,
where the same type of machines in the lab, some will install the
"provisioned" Free Apps from apple w/o any problems, others will not get
it and will throw a bunch of errors. Agai...
@Look this is very usefull info for me , we try to deploy the "Free
Apple Apps" via the VPP, but it has not been very effective. For one
reason, we have a lot of apps just sit there and update when they like ,
week or 20 days after an upgrade has bee...