We have been encountering this issue, and found similar instances where
the key was marked "deleted" in the mysql DB, but contained data for the
key itself. Flipping that deleted status made the correct key available.
Would definitely like to get to ...
Has there been any update on this situation? We require a passcode
configuration profile, and we are seeing the authentication failure when
using Casper Remote as well. If there isn't one already, there should be
a feature request to support his conf...
Using v9.99 - when I create a new profile with the Restrictions payload,
it appears to have the correct keys for Optical Burn support. My
pre-existing Restrictions profile, created in an older version of the
JSS, contains the incorrect keys, and CD b...
@donmontalvo I'm looking to deploy Photo Mechanic in our environment,
and after reaching out to their support, was told that we couldn't
deploy the app with the activation/licensing in place, or done without
having the user activate it after they ins...