New Contributor II

Joined: May 2014

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Good Morning, I'm trying to create a script that is accessible in Casper Remote for wiping the printing system and re-applying the printers. We have our policies set to "Once per Computer" for applying printers at each site, I tried a script that jus...
Hi, What is the best way to add printers into Casper? I have my policies and smart groups scoped out correctly.. Can the same PPD file be used on multiple printers? If so, which PPD file is to be used? What is the PPD folder on the Casper server used...
Hello all, With Smarter Balanced testing in full-swing, we took another look at the "requirement" to disable Gatekeeper functionality for this application to work. Since SBAC is not a signed application (shame on the developers), the guidance in the ...
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