
Joined: May 2020

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  • 47 Posts
  • 3 Solutions
  • 18 Kudos given
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I have a fun situation.M1 macBook Pro, Enrolled into JAMF, with a 5 day deadline for Pairing a SmartCard before automatic enforcement kicks in.The intel macBooks haven't been an issue, since once enforcement kicks in, the user can still login to FV2 ...
After much headache due to the lack of a native function on listing Site information on devices, I have found a relatively simple workaround. Create Smart Groups with no criteria assigned to each site.ex. 'Location 1' Site, 'Location 2' Site, etcCrea...
IT Security has posed a request to me and it is one I see a lot of merit in yet have been unable to locate any information for in the Jamf Nation Forums. Essentially, I would like to have a macBook lock itself after not checking into the MDM after a ...
One of the many tasks under my scope is patching of vulnerabilities on macOS systems. Recently every single machine has been flagged for having a vulnerable version of "httpd" to which there doesn't appear to be a path toward remediation aside from u...