Besides DMG package deployment, another option to deploy a text file is
to use a script.#!/bin/bash# Find the loggedInUserLOGGED_IN_USER=$(stat
-f %Su /dev/console)cat << EOF >
@alexjdale I'm trying to push a configuration profile with a few Jamf
variables (e.g. $USERNAME) too.Can you share how you can accomplish
this?Do you create a plist file with the placeholder variable (e.g.
$USERNAME) inside the plist file?Do you use ...
@sedwards after your policy run, did the Dock Item
(file://localhost/System/Applications/ get removed on the
Dock?I am not able to remove the Dock Item. I have tried all
kind of
@mm2270 wrote:This is a good question.One way you could try doing this
is by creating a Smart Computer Group for the policy scope that uses the
Last Enrollment date criteria and enter a date from the time you expect
to enable this new policy, and use...